السبت، 23 أكتوبر 2010

Get Ready For A World without Water !

Yeah .. it's Kind of Weird But it's True !
How Can You Live Without WATER ? ?
This Question maybe the hardest Q in The whole World
Why ?
Qs There is No one Tryed That Before ... If You DiD'nt Then Imagine With me
The Suffocation In Your Nick .. the dryness on your Lips .. the confine In Your Heart
Just Because Of WATER !
Ok .. Did You Felt that ?
Then Imagine How Could The Hell Do To Your Skin !?
I'll Give You 2 Minutes To Think about it


PEOPLE grow UP !!!!!
Do You Know How Much Time Left For US ????
Do You Know How Your Last Breath Will BE ? !
I F you want To Play and waist your Time Then Do That When You See The Sky fall Down On The Ground
When The Stars Become Near To You Just Like The Computer infront of you and Your Ipod Or PSP On Your Ears
What DID You Do For Allah ?? How Many Times Did You cry Lowd On You'r Pray Mat ?? ?
Did You Get Ready For The Moment You See You'r Creator You'r God Your allah


Get Ready ..

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