السبت، 23 أكتوبر 2010

Broken Promise /// ::~

how great when u find someone can hold your hands without asking how longer we can keep our hands together ?
Suddenly that someone draw a warm smile on his face ..
if you r all asking who is that someone ? !!
well i have the answer here ..

4 years past ..

where is he ? ..where can he be ? ..
you waited under a tree it was almost 12 in the afternoon
the weather was cold enough to freez you ..
while waiting .. u asked yourself some questions ..

" it's been 4 years when he told me to wait for him under this tree .. he promised me that he is going to say goodbye to me after he leaves ... what if he forgot ??? !! what if he don't want to be my friend again ?? ! "

yes you thought that you might not see him again ..
you put your hands and covered your wet face from crying
..... you screamed out loud saying : I HATE YOU YOU WILL NEVER GONNA BE MY FRIEND AGAIN
and continued crying .. "if you can only understand that some tears never dry "

it turned into 11:30 at night .. you still under that tree ... sleeping after all the waste of tears
you half opened your eyes watching the dark sky .. the shining stars ..
you sat down and began to massage your sleepy eyes
you find yourself setting on a paper ..

it was a message from unknown person ..
you opened it .. it was

" hey my best friend .. if your reading this then you should know that im died now .. i just wanted to Apologize that i did'nt came .. i told u that i'm going to leave .. but i did not tell u where .. i know that you will not forget me .. and our friendship will continue forever even if i was not near by your side .. with love ; your best friends "


do you know what is my point ? .. i guess not all of you knew ..
i meant that we should wait and think deeply before judging on others .. even if he was the person you hate the most .. !

written By Me 1 year ago

هناك تعليقان (2):

K!D M!rRoR يقول...
أزال المؤلف هذا التعليق.
K!D M!rRoR يقول...

Mashaallah so wonderful thinking and deep meanings!

Loved it so much!! And love you more & more sweet heart..!

You asked me for a criticism so i thought of
Just two things that could change the meaning as they are:

" it's "I'm Dead now" not "I'm died now" 
And u wrote "your best friends" at the end..
I was confused, Is it a group of friends who died..or is it one friend

Keep it up you Big thinking girl!! ^^